Studies have shown that being outdoors can relieve stress, help reduce depression and recharge our mental state. If you're dealing with stress, you may want to consider getting outside a little more often. There are quite a few activities you can do in the great outdoors, so let's take a look at some things everyone can do to reduce stress while getting some fresh air.

Go for a Walk

Going for a quick walk is a great stress reliever. You get fresh air, move your muscles and get exercise.

One of the great things about getting out for a walk is that you don't necessarily have to put a lot of effort into going somewhere to do it. It could be as simple as stepping out your front door and walking around the block or using your lunch break to step away from the office and get outside for half an hour.

Day Hiking

If you have an entire day free, you can take your walk to the next level by going for a hike. Planning a day hike gets you away from the hustle and bustle of your daily life and can help give you some isolation that will help reduce your stress level. Getting some sun, listening to the sounds of nature and getting away from civilization for a few hours can be a great way to recharge your energy.

Hiking is great exercise, and if you add it to your lifestyle it can help keep you in shape as well as reduce stress. Just remember that some hikes can be rather strenuous, so make sure you carry plenty of fluids and drink a TapouT Citrus Kick to help prevent dehydration and give your muscles the electrolytes they need to perform and recover.

Take Up Cycling

Going for a bike ride can help you forget about the stressful events in your life for a time and give you a great workout.

You don't have to bike 100 miles a day, simply commit to biking once a week. Many areas have dedicated bike paths, interurban trails and rural bike routes that will keep you off of busy streets and give you some peace and quiet for your ride. Just remember to drink plenty of fluids before and after to stave off dehydration.

Move Your Daily Fitness Routine Outside

If you participate in yoga, Tai Chi, weightlifting or any other fitness program at home, you can get your dose of fresh air and finish your routine at the same time by taking it outside.

While you'll still get your regular workout in, you'll also get the stress-relieving benefits of fresh air, sunshine and vitamin D. If it's an especially nice day, you can take the time to drink a TapouT Wild Orange, listen to some soothing music and relax outside while your body recovers after your workout.


If you're a little more adventurous, taking a weekend, or even a week, off to go camping can be a great stress reliever.

Setting up a base camp near natural attractions that you've never visited before can be great for stress relief. Exploring new places and having new experiences engages your mind and promotes a healthy mental state. Try finding some impressive natural monuments and you may be able to recapture a sense of wonder as you explore the more impressive side of the great outdoors.

If you're feeling exceptionally adventurous, you can combine camping and hiking and plan a remote backpacking trip away from roads, cars and the rest of the busy world.

Reading Outdoors

Not every outdoor activity has to involve exercise to be a great stress reliever. Sometimes it can be as simple as finding a park bench and reading a book or doing the crossword puzzle from the daily paper on the front porch. Some health experts suggest that even sitting outside peacefully for fifteen minutes can help reduce stress levels.

Something as simple as relaxing in the sun while enjoying a TapouT Cherry Lemonade Blast can help reduce stress and give your body and mind the fluids and vitamins it needs to stay sharp for the rest of the day.

Try New Outdoor Activities

It's important to include variety in your life, so take some time to discover new activities that you've never done before. We've already mentioned biking and hiking, but some other activities to explore include:

  • Paddle boarding
  • Fishing
  • Running
  • Outdoor AR smartphone apps
  • Gardening

The outdoor possibilities are nearly endless. Take the time to try several new outdoor activities and you'll expand your repertoire and find new ways to relieve stress.

About TapouT

TapouT is a sports performance beverage that is designed to help promote hydration, performance and recovery. Many athletes rely on TapouT Citrus Kick to provide them with 30g of easily absorbed carbs for energy during training and competition. TapouT also contains necessary vitamins, sodium and electrolytes to help you hydrate better, use fluids properly and perform and recover. If you're looking for a sports beverage with zero-sugar and no calories for low-activity days, our Wild Orange and Cherry Lemonade Blast which contain the same vitamins and electrolytes as our original Citrus Kick without the calories.
