Blueberry smoothie in a glass on a rustic table

It's important to drink plenty of fluids as the heat rises and you take more time for outdoor activities. While it's important to hydrate, plain water can become boring and many flavorful drink options, such as soda, don't provide adequate hydration and may contain too many unnecessary calories. Let's take a look at four low-calorie drinks for summer that will improve hydration without letting your taste buds down.

Coconut Water

Attractive woman drinking coconut water with friends

Coconut water can be a great water substitute for regular water if you're looking for something with a little flavor without extra calories. Besides providing a hydration boost, coconut water also contains antioxidants and minerals that can benefit your overall health. If you plan on being active on a hot summer's day, coconut water can also replenish some of the electrolytes lost when you sweat.

The natural form of this beverage comes from the center of green coconuts and if unaltered is relatively low in calories. Be aware that some flavored or enhanced coconut water beverages contain added sugar and more calories than natural coconut water. For an exact calorie count for your bottle of coconut water, make sure to check the label for serving size and number of calories per serving.

TapouT Sports Beverage

TapouT sports beverages has two low-calorie, zero-sugar, flavors of their enhanced performance drink. Both the Cherry Lemonade Blast and Wild Orange flavors can make for a refreshing and delicious cooling drink on a hot summer's day, and no matter which of these two flavors you pick, you'll only ingest 10 calories per bottle.

Besides being tasty and low in calories, TapouT Wild Orange and Cherry Lemonade Blast offer much more advanced hydration than most other sports performance beverages. When it's hot out or you're active in the sunshine, you sweat. As you sweat you lose much more than fluids, you lose sodium. TapouT contains 240mg of natural sodium to help your body use and retain the fluids you drink throughout the day. This helps your body stay hydrated much longer than drinking water or beverages without the sodium your body needs.

Besides helping you stay hydrated longer, TapouT also replenishes the electrolytes and vitamins your body needs. Both flavors of low-calorie TapouT contain all four electrolytes; potassium, magnesium, calcium and chloride. Many other low-calorie sports drinks boast that they contain electrolytes, but very few actually contain all four.

Many low-calorie drinks do contain some vitamin content, however, TapouT has been formulated to contain eight vitamins to give you energy, boost your immune system and keep your mind sharp. TapouT sports drinks contain:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12

At just 10 calories per bottle, TapouT Cherry Lemonade Blast and Wild Orange flavors will make a great addition to your summertime hydration routine. If you're planning on a high-activity day where you'll burn extra calories, the original TapouT Citrus Kick contains 120 calories and 30g of easy-to-use carbohydrates to fuel your body through physically demanding days.

Water with Fruit, Citrus and Herbs

close up of woman holding glass with fruit water

Water is an essential part of hydration, but it can become boring when it's the only thing you drink.

Well, water doesn't need to be boring. You can add flavor to your regular glass of water by adding fruits, citrus or aromatic herbs. Simply place fresh fruits and herbs in a jar of water, and let sit in the fridge until the flavor is strong enough for your personal taste. There are nearly limitless combinations, but some flavors to think about include:

  • Lemon and Lime
  • Fresh Berries
  • Watermelon and Mint
  • Cucumber and Lime


Blueberry smoothie in a glass on a rustic table

If you're into fruit flavors and want more substance than flavored water, you may want to consider adding smoothies to your hydration routine. Fruits contain plenty of hydrating fluids and natural ingredients to give your body a boost. Fruits are low in calories, so consuming a large smoothie won't add too much to your intake. Try mixing your favorite fruits and berries with non-fat yogurt, unsweetened coconut milk or coconut water for a creamy, tasty pick-me-up on a hot day. Here are some of our favorite ingredient combinations to toss into your blender with some crushed ice and low-fat coconut milk or yogurt:

  • Pineapple and Spinach
  • Frozen Cherries and Lime
  • Mixed Berries and Mint
  • Banana, Mango and Coconut Milk

Summer Hydration Tips

Couple staying hydrated

As the temperature rises, so do our hydration needs. In order to properly hydrate, we recommend consuming a glass of fluids approximately every hour. Here are a few tips to ensure healthy hydration during the summer:

Drink on a regular schedule
Include a TapouT Wild Orange or Cherry Lemonade Blast in your routine
Vary the types of hydrating fluid you consume
Avoid sugary drinks and high-calorie fluids

Besides drinking regularly, you should prepare your body to utilize the fluids you consume. This is where TapouT comes in. The sodium and electrolytes will help your body properly use fluids. Varying your beverage choices will prevent boredom and encourage proper hydration and avoiding drinks that could potential promote dehydration, such as soda or high-calorie sports drinks, will give your body the fluids it actually needs on a hot day.
