We all need to drink fluids to keep hydrated for optimum health and performance, but how can you tell if you're hydrated enough or at risk of dehydration? There are several signs of both a well-hydrated body and one that's in need of a drink to get back to peak condition.
It's usually much easier to tell if you're dehydrated rather than hydrated enough. Your body will give you clear warning signs when it's dehydrated, but by then it may be too late. Dehydration sets in before symptoms appear so it's a good idea to look closer to find out if you are indeed properly hydrated or could use a boost.
Investigating urine after using the restroom may not be everyone's favorite activity, but taking a quick look will help you analyze your hydration levels.
Light yellow urine is an indicator that you're doing a good job of maintaining your hydration levels, while darker urine can be a sign that you're not doing enough to keep hydrated. If your urine remains darker in color even after drinking water, you may wish to supplement your hydration routine with a TapouT Citrus Kick. TapouT contains 240mg of natural sodium that will help your body retain more water and keep your hydration at an optimal level.
If your urine is clear, however, it means that you could be drinking more water than your body can process. Once you get to the point of clear urine, you should be able to stop worrying about hydration and get back into a regular routine of drinking fluids rather than increasing your water consumption.
The color of your urine isn't the only indicator of hydration. The frequency of urination can indicate if you've been properly hydrating.
If you're making regular trips to the restroom, say every couple of hours, and your urine maintains a pale yellow shade, then chances are you've been doing a good job with your fluid intake. If you're taking very frequent trips to the restroom, you may be trying to force too many fluids into your body. Remember, your body can only handle so much fluid intake at a time, and drinking too much water can lead to excessive bathroom breaks and actually hurt your mental and physical performance.
If you notice that it's been way too long between bathroom breaks, don't hesitate to reach for a sports beverage such as a TapouT Cherry Lemonade to give your body the fluids it needs to remain healthy.
Many people overlook the fact that the texture and elasticity of their skin can help assess if they've consumed enough fluids.
Smooth skin or skin that is elastic indicates healthy hydration levels. Try pinching and stretching your skin and letting it go. If it snaps back into place quickly, you can take that as a sign you've consumed enough water. If it's slow to react or feels dry and rough, it's time to increase your water intake.
This may not be the very best indicator of whether you're properly hydrated, but if you've been committed to regularly consuming fluids and you don't feel thirsty, then there's a good chance that you're properly hydrated.
Don't take your lack of thirst as a sole indicator of hydration level, however. Dehydration starts well before you're body tells you that you're thirsty. If you've been neglecting your water intake but still don't feel thirsty, you could still be at risk.
If you're using thirst as a measure of hydration, make sure you take all the other signs into account as well. If you're not thirsty but have dark urine, drink more fluids. If you're not thirsty but haven't had the urge to use the restroom in several hours, maybe consume a TapouT sports beverage. Remember, a lack of thirst is only an indicator of proper hydration if other hydration conditions have been met.
Just like thirst, the freshness of your breath can indicate whether you're properly hydrated or not, but only if you evaluate other factors.
Your body uses fluids to create saliva, and saliva helps combat bacteria in your mouth. If your mouth is moist and your breath smells good, you could be properly hydrated. If your mouth is dry and your friends, coworkers and family maintain their distance due to your breath, you need more water.
If you've been consuming fluids regularly and have no signs of dehydration, then you're probably hydrated enough. Just remember that dehydration begins long before symptoms appear, so only use this as criterion if you have been maintaining a regular fluid consumption schedule. Signs of dehydration include:
- Dry mouth
- Lightheadedness
- Nausea
- Sluggishness
- Increased Heartrate
If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you're probably not properly hydrated. A good hydration regimen and lack of dehydration signs is a good indicator that you've been keeping fluid levels at their best.
The best way to know if you're hydrated is to prevent the need to check. Make yourself stick to a strict schedule by consuming fluids on an hourly basis. Preventing dehydration will help you avoid the conundrum of not knowing and will prevent you from having to play catch up on your fluid intake later in the day.
Water is great, but sometimes our bodies need something a little extra to stay hydrated. We've already mentioned that TapouT Citrus Kick and low-calorie Cherry Lemonade Blast contain natural sodium to help retain fluids, but did you know both TapouT flavors contain electrolytes and vitamins to help hydrate faster and improve physical and mental performance? TapouT beverages contain:
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Chloride
- Calcium
- Vitamins A, C, E, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12
Try incorporating a TapouT or two during the day, and with regular fluid consumption, you'll find that you'll stay better hydrated and won't have to worry as much about signs of hydration levels.