Modern athletes and those looking to improve their health are consuming the new "super drinks" that have added health and performance benefits over water and other basic beverages. Consumers are looking for cleaner, natural beverages and drinks that replenish vitamins, electrolytes, antioxidants and other substances our body requires.

Fortified Beverages on the Rise

Beverages that have been fortified with nutrients are on the rise with athletes, business professionals and even gamers. Many of these fortified beverages contain ingredients that are meant to improve the performance of their target demographic. For example, professional video game competitors and streamers have gravitated towards beverages with natural ingredients, herbs, caffeine and other elements that provide focus, keep their minds sharp and don't contain the chemical ingredients in cola or energy drinks that can be harmful to their health.

The same can be said for business professionals who are looking for an all-day performance enhancer that won't cause a crash like coffee or sugary drinks. Professionals are consuming drinks with matcha powder for alertness during repetitive tasks, B vitamin drinks for sustained energy and drinks with antioxidants that help prevent illness.

Cleaner Ingredients

Consumers looking for super drinks are searching for all-natural beverages without artificial chemicals, flavorings or sweeteners.

While many consumers are searching for low-sugar drinks, they're also rejecting beverages with artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose. Sugars from natural sources such as monk fruit and stevia are becoming more acceptable as a substitute for cane and beet sugars.

Hybrid and All-in-One Beverages

The hybrid and all-in-one beverages are being more and more sought after for those looking for something beyond the fortified beverages. While fortified beverages can target specific areas you'd like to boost such as mental focus, immunity or athletic recovery, some modern hybrid beverages offer an overall health boost rather than consumers relying on multiple different types of drinks throughout the day.

While available nearly everywhere, local gyms and companies targeting athletes have taken a huge share of the all-in-one performance beverage market. Some gyms have their own blend of powdered sports drinks that provide energy, performance boosts and post-workout recovery in one drink.

While many mainstream sports drinks have yet to catch up to the all-in-one trend, TapouT beverages has formulated their drinks to give athletes, business professionals, gamers and those just looking for a beverage that offers superior hydration as well as the vitamins and electrolytes the body and mind require to stay sharp and recover from stress or physical exertion. TapouT is the only major sports drink to contain all four electrolytes, potassium, magnesium, calcium and chloride, as well as eight vitamins.

TapouT contains:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12|

Athletes will especially be drawn to TapouT Citrus Kick. Not only does it contain all the vitamins to keep their mind sharp and support immunity, it is also formulated with the electrolytes their muscles need to perform and their heart and nervous systems require to recover for a tough workout. It also contains 120 quickly absorbed calories to give them an energy boost to power through competition and training. TapouT also provides your body with 240mg of the sodium it needs to utilize the fluids you consume more efficiently.

TapouT doesn't just make a drink for the athlete, their Wild Orange and Cherry Lemonade Blast flavors contain the same mix of vitamins and electrolytes without the sugar and only 10 calories. These flavors are ideal for keeping hydrated and sharp when your daily routine doesn't require you to burn a ton of calories.

Navigating the Super Drink Market

There are many products on the market that claim to be super drinks, so it's important to take the time to look into what you're actually putting into your body. Some fortified beverages can have great health benefits if they fit your health needs. Some super drinks such as charcoal enhanced drinks, dried mushroom additives and fermented drinks can meet specific needs, but could also be wasted or cause health risks if over consumed. Make sure you read labels and look into the benefits of these specialized super drinks before consuming them regularly.

If you're looking for a sports beverage that has almost everything your body needs to hydrate better and supply your body with vitamins, electrolytes and sodium that has been flavored naturally rather than with chemical additives, a TapouT sports drink could be your all-in-one beverage whether you're an athlete, business professional or stay-at-home parent.
